Join Us!
Each year, the week before Easter or in August, we travel to Central America and work together with other churches from the States and with an organization called Good News in Action. We share the Gospel with many people and have literally seen tens of thousands make professions of faith in Jesus. We work directly with New Life Baptist Church and have been blessed to do this for many years. We are also working in Hanoi, Vietnam with a church planting organization called The Timothy Initiative who has planted thousands of churches in Asia. In August, 2020 we are going back to HONDURAS with Good News in Action. If you are interested in going with us to Honduras next year, please fill out the form below!
Next year in August, we are going to San Pedro Sula in Honduras. If you're interested in joining us, sign up below for our next interest meeting and we'll be in touch soon with the dates of meetings to prepare for the trip.
Honduras 2019 recap
"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations..." Matthew 28:19