It all began when I was taking my wife to Hawaii for our 20th wedding anniversary in 2007. On the plane, I was reading a book called Breaking the Missional Code, when I really began sensing God wanted me to plant a new church. He dealt with me about that the entire week we were there and I felt even gave me the name Crossroads at the time. Fast forwarding, in August of 2009, Crossroads Church began and we have not looked back since.

God has done some amazing things since we have been established but I truly believe with all my heart the best is yet to come. We have a future vision that we would love to see transpire with a larger facility, a Christian School, and a community Gymnasium in the town that we love called Benson. All of which would be used to do the two things we knew we were called to do from the beginning: Reach and Grow people by leading them to life in Jesus, together. Won’t you join us?

– Pastor Scott